Nils Durner's Blog Ahas, Breadcrumbs, Coding Epiphanies

Exploring OpenAI Language Models: Davinci vs. GPT Chat Models

Today’s discussion revolved around capabilities of various OpenAI language models, focusing on the differences between the Davinci model and the newer GPT models. During these conversations, we touched on the specific use cases of using these models for SEO purposes and as a personal assistant.

First, it’s important to note that there is a variety of algorithms available, and one should be cautious when making comparisons. The older (text completion) Davinci model is often mentioned in the context of “GPT,” but it is a limited language model compared to the newer “chat” models like gpt-3.5-turbo. Additionally, the pricing of these models can vary significantly.

One of my colleagues mentioned that they had been using the Davinci model for generating SEO articles, which piqued my interest. They had devised a series of prompts to create content that adhered to SEO criteria. However, they believed that the chat-based functionality of the newer GPT models, like gpt-3.5-turbo, was not well-suited for this purpose.

Intrigued by this assertion, I asked them to a private hands-on session. In conclusion, gpt-3.5-turbo was able to generate comparable results, debunking the misconception that chat models were unsuitable for this task.

Another aspect worth mentioning is the token limit. The newer GPT models, such as the “8k” and “32K” models, have larger token limits than the traditional 4096-token limit. This enables handling of longer conversations and content, making them even more versatile.

On a related note, one of my colleagues mentioned the integration of GPT with llama_index, which allows for establishing larger contexts beyond the token limit imposed by the LLM. This sparked my interest and I discovered that the increased context size of GPT-4 was not being taken advantage of. My patch for langchain was subsequently accepted.

In summary, it’s essential to understand the differences between various language models and be aware of their limitations and capabilities. While the Davinci model is widely showcased in blog posts etc. and also the preset default in the OpenAI Playground, the newer GPT models improve on text-davinci-003, including for the purpose of SEO content generation.