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The Rise of AI-Generated Videos

Peter Gostev, Head of AI at Moonpig, recently shared his experience with AI-generated videos on LinkedIn. It’s a topic I’ve been following closely, and I’d like to share my thoughts on this evolving technology.

Gostev noted that while AI video generation has long seemed promising, the results have often fallen short. However, he reported a recent improvement with, managing to create a “pretty decent” 7-second video of his dog from a single photo. While he acknowledged limitations in resolution, movement, and duration, it’s a step forward in publicly available models.

I’ve been experimenting with various platforms myself, and I have to say, my experience differs slightly. In my view, Pika has consistently been the least capable option. I’ve found more success with Runway, particularly impressed by its lip-sync and audio reactivity features.

It’s worth noting that this field is rapidly evolving. Kaiber, for instance, is working on new models that promise exciting developments. Their recent blog post about the Grimes AI visual spectacle at Coachella hints at the potential future of this technology.

But let’s step back and consider the bigger picture. Andy McMahon, a Director & Principal AI Engineer at Barclays, raised an important question: what are the practical applications of this technology?

From my perspective, there are two key areas:

  1. Professional Use: As I mentioned to Andy, this technology can be a game-changer for creating software demo videos. Anyone who’s tried to produce a perfect demo video knows it can be a real time sink. AI-generated videos could streamline this process significantly.

  2. Creative Expression: For artists and content creators, this technology opens up new possibilities. It can help elevate audio content from platforms like SoundCloud to visual platforms like YouTube or Instagram, potentially reaching wider audiences.

While the technology is still developing, it’s clear that AI-generated videos are more than just a novelty. They’re becoming increasingly sophisticated tools with real-world applications.