Nils Durner's Blog Ahas, Breadcrumbs, Coding Epiphanies

AI Wiki

A colleague pitched the idea of creating an “AI Wiki” with best pratices.

I am not fond of the idea because there’s way too much nuance to consider still, which would likely render any Wiki article flat out incorrect. A major reason for this is that perhaps most users are using AI Systems and not really the the models themselves - and there is a huge difference between, for example, Bing Copilot and ChatGPT. Office Copilot again is a different matter, akin to “Apple Intelligence” - dubbed “AI functionality” (vs. AI System vs. AI Model…). And even if we turned a blind eye on these differences are declared everything an “AI Model”: my recent work with Small Language Models (SLMs - vs. LLMs) has rather painfully made it clear that there Language Models also differ wildly - and really just “different”, not necessarily “good” or “bad”.