Nils Durner's Blog Ahas, Breadcrumbs, Coding Epiphanies

Amazon Bedrock Chat (Nils' Version)

I have rigged up a quick web application for easier experimentation with the Claude-2 Foundation Model.

  • Major features (see screenshot):
    • (Text) File upload
    • Formatted output (Markdown)
    • Copy-to-clipboard
    • saving of access credentials
      • (in the browser’s local store)
  • Notably absent:
    • Streaming responses

Ready-to-use version:

  • Prerequisites:
    • AWS Account Credentials
    • Session Token etc.
    • Bedrock enabled
    • Claude-2 enabled

Hosted on HuggingFace

Source for self-hosting

  • Prerequisites
    • AWS Account Credentials
    • Session Token etc.
    • Bedrock enabled
    • Claude-2 enabled
    • Python >= 3.8
    • Gradio 4.1.1 as of last night
      • (otherwise the file upload won’t work; it’s broken in previous version of Gradio 4)

Hosted on Github

Screenshot 2023-11-04 134057.png