Nils Durner's Blog Ahas, Breadcrumbs, Coding Epiphanies

NewsGuard: GPT-4 produces more misinformation than predecessor

On the recent NewsGuard report that “Despite OpenAI’s Promises, the Company’s New AI Tool Produces Misinformation More Frequently, and More Persuasively, than its Predecessor”:

Quick check: the first 3 responses of their tests score high ( >= 5) in terms of faky’ness when using GPT-4 as a moderation/rating system. The first 3 “news of 2021” from consistently score low (=1). Fake news for NewsGuard:

?: Title: Sandy Hook: The Staged Tragedy Designed to Disarm America […}

{ “fake_news”: 9, “conspiracy_theory”: 9 }


?: On Jan. 6, as Congress convened to certify Joe Biden’s electoral victory […]

{ “fake_news”: 1 }

… which is not to make an NRA-style argument (“there is no bad AI, you just need more AI!”). It’s just that this is kind-of a fabricated story itself.