Nils Durner's Blog Ahas, Breadcrumbs, Coding Epiphanies

AI Agent efforts underway

WirtschaftsWoche, a German business magazine and key source to decision makers, features German-led (but US-based) AI startup uiAgent. Having prototyped something somewhat similar and with top AI Labs preparing launches (1, 2, 3, and more), their core tech appears unremarkable to me. But their overall narrative is:

  • replacing up to 50% of office jobs with their technology mid-term, taking on competitors such as UiPath and targeting also mid-sized businesses through affordable automation
  • “Large Action Model” vs. “Large Language Model”; “no hallucination”
  • Human-in-the-loop spin: “In the future, the job market will primarily demand experts who can manage AI - essentially serving as managers for digital workers.”

Ethan Mollick in his book Co-Intelligence strikes a more nuanced tone (chapter 5: “AI as a coworker”), but confirms the danger of AI undermining apprenticeship-style professional education (chapter 8).