Nils Durner's Blog Ahas, Breadcrumbs, Coding Epiphanies

AI Use Cases - according to analysts

Business analysts all have their own theories and predictions on GenAI. One evergreen is “summarization”, perhaps gleaned from Model Cards. Same for the recent Forrester event in Milan:

The other main reason consumers are using AI, in Italy but especially in Germany, is to summarize something.

My observation is different:

Anecdotally, random people I meet tell me that „writing E-Mails“ is their top AI use-case. When I ask which product or model they use, it‘s always the free version of ChatGPT (so the one with the least assurances). I have concluded for myself that privacy may actually not matter much in daily business practice - and anyone should be conscious that their E-Mail exchange likely gets fed to the consumer version of ChatGPT at some point (mine certainly has been as well).