Nils Durner's Blog Ahas, Breadcrumbs, Coding Epiphanies

Market Feedback and Analyst Insights


The team is positioned early in the market; no blind spots identified at this stage.

Key Points:

  1. Discussion with a VIP customer:
    • Awareness of AI’s role in fraud detection and cyber threat combat.
    • Interest was piqued when presented with our ambitions, especially with our International Markets flagship product.
    • Positive feedback on the AI vision shared at AI Lab, with significant surprise and approval.
    • Preference expressed for local, on-premises hosted AI models.
    • General perception we are ahead in terms of AI implementation.
  2. Analyst survey findings from IDC Innovators report:
    • Highlighted emerging vendors in Generative AI under $100 million in revenue.
    • Some company portrayals seemed copied from promotional materials, with the exception of Hugging Face.
    • Key differentiators and challenges were outlined for companies like Anthropic, Cohere, and Aleph Alpha.
    • Noted the importance of AI sovereignty and regulatory compliance as a selling point for some vendors.
  3. Points from an Aragon Research briefing:
    • Generalizations and some inaccurate statements about AI were observed.
    • Emphasis on the need for enterprise policies on AI usage and data privacy.
    • Suggestions for future company policies and testing regarding AI.
    • Concerns about the readiness of Generative AI for regular use and the importance of data governance.
  4. The Gartner hype wave places Generative AI near the Peak of Inflated Expectations, with plateau to be reached within 2-5 years.

(Note: Specific details and confidential information have been omitted to maintain confidentiality and respect copyrights.)